Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Outhouse

Finally I am posting the very long awaited photos from the weekend of the outhouse talka. This is the hazard when there is only one camera, every time I had a free moment in the last week, it was in use. But all is well that ends well, exactly a week to the day of the talka, the outhouse is finished. Drum roll prepared to be amazed by the first building standing in Jaunvitagas in sixty years... A big and huge thanks to all of our friends who gave up a Saturday and put in their blood, sweat and tears to make this happen!

The first set of photos shows what the girls were up to that day. We were of course in charge of the all important food breaks, but we also were on raking and burning duty (luckily, no branch duty that day). Raking was no walk in the park. By the end of the day I could literally not even use my right hand to pick up and drink a beer. Ouch! Here are a few action shots of MP, IG, GO and I at work. MP and I got a flashback to our Eko Klubs days at Garezers (that would've been the ONE afternoon we were cleaning the woods instead of the rest of the afternoons we spent napping....shhhhhh.....)

Yes, that is me, saimniece, hard at work supervising....Hey, someone's gotta do it! :)

And now....the series of photos of the outhouse going up. No commentary necessary - all the way from the hole being dug to the finished product. In the first picture, the blue dot is JS starting to dig the hole, also pictured are ES and UH, and of course saimnieks KB.

Finally, the branch duty continues. I swear it will be a never ending job and I'm **LOVING** it more and more every week. This is the Red Branch Smurf in front of one afternoon's worth of work. Oh, the joy.
By the way, the branch duty song has been expanded and more verses are being composed each week, but they are not nice enough to be published on my rainbow blog.

Tomorrow we are going to complete the application for marriage and are also hoping to meet with the owner of the restaurant to discuss our reception. Maybe get a menu going, maybe put in a downpayment - I don't know....the wedding is still six weeks away, may be a bit to early to discuss these things. I'm open for bets on whether we'll even be able to get a hold of the woman. But let's just keep our fingers crossed (or hold your thumbs, as Latvians would say). :)


Kristina Anderson said...

I am very impressed with saimniece and saimnieks! Good work!!! :) By the way, you are no sister of mine if you ever say that you were too tired to pick up a beer. It is cold, it will heal the pain!!!

diana smaida said...

No, I wasn't too tired to pick it up, I physically couldn't - I had a gimp hand!!!!