Monday, August 4, 2008

And then....

We danced! The musicians led us in some fun traditional Latvian dances, also with a couple of silly new twists (like "plaukstinu polka" also with shoulders, elbows, hips, ankles, cheeks....)

A few cute pictures...

Those are the infamous rubber boots from the invitation - that really is what we wear as saimnieks and saimniece!

Then we handed out thank-yous to everyone for being there. Krix painted these great little boxes (unfortunately, no pictures of just the boxes) to look like birch trees and with a Latvian saulite (sun) design on the top. Inside we wrote our names, the date and a small poem. "Muzam sauli sirdi nest, vinas starus tumsa mest..." The boxes were filled with wildflower seeds. Some guests decided to take them home and plant them in their own gardens as a reminder of the day, others planted theirs by us.

Guests (shortest to tallest) planting their seeds in the field...

And as my dad had emptied his box, he filled it with something else that he found!

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