Thursday, November 13, 2008

The next chapter in the adventures of Mims the Wondercat

Full moons make Mims completely mental.

It was a very bright full moon last night and as the treehouse (aka: our apartment) is on the top floor of the building with slanted ceilings and therefore slanted windows, we have no curtains. Mims has been sleeping in the bed lately since it has gotten colder (usually creeps her way directly between us and make a little hotdog of herself during the night), but all of a sudden at 3am last night, she had to start running laps around the treehouse. Then she got into the potpourri in the bathroom, which meant she was batting dried flowers around the bedroom. I kicked her out and closed the door. Somehow she broke in about two seconds later. I kicked her out again, moved the potpourri to the kitchen counter (at 3am it made sense that this would stop her craziness), closed both doors leading to our bedroom, and continued my nyquil induced sleep until the morning. (Yeah, you know she was being a serious maniac, when she roused me from nyquil sleep.) In the morning, there were bits of dried flowers in every corner of the treehouse and the potpourri bowl was totally empty, so she had been dancing on the kitchen counters as well. KB had been so kind to bring me home a pack of cough drops which he had left on the kitchen table - I still saw them there at 3am, but at 6am they were missing and nowhere to be found. Still haven't found them. Maybe she ate them and that's what made her so cuckoo. Who knows, but clearly I'm not the only one affected by the full moon in our house.....

1 comment:

Liene said...

That is so the laugh I needed on this Friday. I have a sick kid that I took to the doctor this morning and I feel so bad for him.

George our furball will scream at us until we let him under the covers with us. Not that I mind too much because I tend to freeze when I'm sleeping so his warmth is nice. Most mornings I wake up though and he's at our heads wedged right between the pillows.

Have a good weekend!