Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Incredibly, today has brought the kind of weather that one associates with Easter - sunny, warm and spring like. I can't even remember the last time Easter has been delivered on such a beautiful day! So what's in store for us today?

This morning I went out to the garden and snipped various leaves, needles, small branches so that KB and I could decorate our Easter eggs. The way that happens is the eggs get dipped in water and then you stick the leaves or rice or whatever you want to the egg and then tightly wrap the egg in onion skins. Then the eggs get boiled as normal. Our friends AA and EM are here celebrating with us, and they were quite impressed with our technology of wrapping them into old nylon stockings (an old trick from mom/grandma). Photos will surely follow. The eggs turned out beautifully, each one unique, and we proceeded with the yearly "egg wars", choosing the egg that looks most solid and trying to smash as many eggs that the others' have chosen as you can. KB was the winner, as he has been for the last three years running! Also, as "saimnieks" of the house, he cut his egg evenly into four parts and shared among all the people at the breakfast table, so that we may all have an equally abundant year this year. The neighbors also came over to share their eggs with us, and we shared ours as well.

Today involves a bit more yardwork for us (though the blisters on my hands from raking are indicating that my share of yardwork may be done for the day, so I will retire to a bit of reading in the sunshine). :)

Swinging is a must today, so that mosquitos stay away from you for the summer and also so that you don't sleep the summer away. The higher you swing, the more abundant a year you will have. You are helping to "swing in" the sun.

We will surely end the day with a pirts. Today I'll be trying out using a pussywillow broom. We've been reading up on the different types of brooms you can make and use in the pirts, each with their own healing effects. I guess a photo might be in order in the near future to aid in the explanation of what really goes on in the pirts. And we will be drinking fresh birch tree juice (collected much like sap from maple trees) to rehydrate after pirts.

Warm and sunny Easter wishes from Sigulda! :)

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