Sunday, August 24, 2008

The end is near.....

We are losing four and a half minutes of sunlight a day (roughly half an hour a week). Three years ago, I never thought I'd be sad about the sun setting at nine pm and rising at six am. Seems normal, but now it feels like everything is dying. Only because I know what is coming. I've discovered that for me November 18 (ironically, Latvia's independence day) is the moment when it all really shuts down for me, until about mid-February. So from now until November, I'm hanging on to every moment of precious sunlight I can. Come spring, I'll be celebrating sunlight from six till nine, but for now, it's the beginning of the end...... :(


Marite said...

I can so, so feel your pain. It is still very real for me.
It is taking me some time to get used to the 6-6 daylight around here...but to some extent, knowing it's not getting cold, and knowing that it will be like this all year, makes it easier to deal with. Daylight at midnight is easy to miss, but, I'm learning to live without it.

Our Adventures said...

I know how hard it is too. I always tried to think of it from the opposite direction.

When June 23rd rolled around I started feeling sad because I knew that signified the shortening of the days again, and that summer was all but almost over. I would work my hardest to enjoy every moment.

I would enjoy the fall, and the cool setting in and look forward to December 21st. That was the day that every day it started getting lighter. With that day I knew I was over the hump and looked forward to the slowly arriving spring. Trying in the meanwhile to enjoy the coziness and warmth of my apartment and snuggling in for those last few months and waking up with the knowledge that it was getting lighter. :-)

diana smaida said...

Today we had a cozy day - PJ pants and movies on the couch (it was a rainy day). KB said it was the beginning of "squirrel season" (referring to us on the couch), and I thought that had a nice ring to it. Too bad we can't totally hibernate like squirrels, but we come pretty damn close.... :)