Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Growing by the hour....

At our last visit, the midwife said, "From here on out, you will be growing not by days, but by hours." How true! One to five weeks of growth left, and I just can't imagine how that is physically possible.... Technically, he could decide to arrive today because from here on out he is considered full-term. We still have two classes left for parents-to-be, finishing next Monday, so we asked him to at least wait that long so that we'll have a better idea of what we are doing. ;)

We are beyond excited, but doing our best to be patient. And we are not the only ones who are excited - a couple of weeks ago we visited friends and were gifted this artwork of our family. :) Children are so perceptive (whether they know it or not!). KB's favorite element of the drawing is that he is red, I am blue and the little boy is exactly half red and half blue. Brilliant!


Mamma M said...

Don't play the full term at 37 weeks game... The average first time mom delivers on 41+3 I believe. (And of course there are exceptions- me, 39+2.) But 37 weekers often have to spend time in the NICU... you want a take home baby! Will the belly to make more room! :)

Arijnieks said...

Ha! 37 weeks is considered full term because more often than not they do not experience NICU stays! (Otherwise how would they call that full term???) The little man will make his appearance when he sees fit, we know that Diana is more than happy to bake him as long as he chooses! Enjoy the silent drum practice, for soon, the band will be jamming! xoxo

diana smaida said...

Oh yeah, I'm definitely not hurrying him along - it was more just an observation of how I can't imagine getting much bigger, but I've been saying that for the past several months already! ;) I understand really well that most babies are not "fully baked" at 37 weeks and those who get hurried along may have complications - even those who decide to come on their own at 37 weeks may have complications, but they probably come early because something is not quite right with them staying inside any longer. In any case, all messages from my midwife and what I've read say they are full term from 37 -42 weeks but obviously that is completely individual as to when they are "ready"!

I fully trust that as much as this little guy knew when the best time to "sign up" with us was, he will also know the best day to make his appearance. :)